Advice for Virtual Worship Service

As some of you know, I serve a not-for-profit ministry called Pastor Support Network ( Our mission is to support ministry families through counseling, coaching, and offering other help. I had a Zoom meeting today with the ministry board of directors. This board is made up of business executives, media consultant, and stay-at-home moms. Their advice was vital in helping me understand how committed church members are dealing with church and COVID-19. Here were a few of their suggestions:

  • Consider producing your on-line venue at a separate time than your in-person meetings. Make the on-line meeting feel more like you are coming to them from your living room to their living room.

  • Don’t wait to schedule your service video at 11 AM on Sunday. There is too much competition and distraction. It is fine to post it in the early morning to give people access at non-traditional times. 

  • If you can, invest in a couple of cameras that offer good video and learn to switch between them.

  • However, if you only have money to invest in one thing, make it audio. Even if people can’t see you but can hear you, you are better off reaching them. Get the sound right and reliable.

  • Your sermon is vital. Invest every minute that you can in sermon preparation. Your people desperately need and want it.

  • Consider some daily video devotional thought that would be easily accessed and provide a pastoral connection with you. Even if you could only do it one or two times a week, it would be good. 

  • Get your church together for in-person meetings as soon as you can.

  • You probably already know and practice all of these things and more. But, perhaps it could offer a small amount of encouragement.